Hernan Casé

Web Developer

I have been very observant and curious with a passion for technology since I was a child. I have the ability to see the weak points of a product or process.

I am meticulous with design, when I program a website I like to deliver a quality product.

Profile image


  • Batan TV cover

    Batan TV

  • FrontEndCafe cover


  • Tribute Page cover

    Tribute Page

    JavaScriptSassGithub Pages
  • Peek cover


    React NativeNodeJSExpressMySQLReduxMaterialUI
  • Team Maker cover

    Team Maker

    React NativeFirebaseRedux
  • Markdown Previewer cover

    Markdown Previewer

    ReactJSSassGithub Pages

Let me tell you some things

About me

Check my Github too see more about what I do, and if you have a project or initiative in mind contact me.

Some of the technologies that I use

The main area of my expertise is front end development (client side of the web).

  • Git / Git Flow
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • TypeScript
  • ReactJS / Angular / Vue
  • React Native
  • Redux / Redux Thunk
  • Context
  • NodeJS / Express
  • MySQL / Mongo

An Argentinian boy

I was born in the city of Mar del Plata in Argentina, I have been a fan of technology for as long as I can remember. I like the world of video games and having good times with friends.

Among my personal projects was always being able to travel the world, meet new people and if my work helps me with that, much better.

Designer ~ Developer

I have serious passion for UI effects, animations and creating intuitive, dynamic user interfaces. I am passionate about design and trends applied to applications.

Learning and improving continuously

I'm proactive, detail oriented and I enjoy playing an active role in improving business.